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School Logo

Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club is open to all children who attend our school from our Early Years to Year 6. It starts from 8.00am. Bagels, toast, cereal and juice are on offer each day.


The charge to attend is £2 per day. If you have more than one child attending, the cost for each child is reduced to £1.50 each. 


How to book a place at the breakfast club

To book your child into Breakfast Club, please visit the 'Clubs' section on the Arbor app. From here you will be able to select the days that you will need your child to be in the club. 


How to pay

All payments for Breakfast Club are to be made through the Arbor app. If you are having difficulty with thi, please speak to a member of the office team. 



