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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Transition to high school

For children in Year 6, the move to high school is an exciting and important one. We also know that it can be a worrying time. In school, we do all we can to support the children as they undertake this transition. We talk to them about the expectations that will be placed on them at high school, have visits from children who have made the move from Hurst Knoll to high school so that they can share their experiences and also ensure that transition visits happen so children can see their new school before they begin Year 7. 


The decision about which high school to choose is a big one for you and your child. Having as much information as possible helps to make this decision easier. The 'Moving on' booklet below contains lots of important information as well as answering many questions that you may have. Please take the time to read it. 


Please remember that you must make your child's high school application by 31st October 2024 at the latest.


To make your child's high school application, you will need to visit the following link - High school applications
