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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Year 5

Class Teacher: Mrs. Burke (Mon - Weds), Mr. Davenport (Thurs and Fri) and Miss Khan (student teacher)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Shaw


This half term our PE day is Wednesday and we have swimming on Tuesdays. Children should come to school in their PE kit on a Wednesday. On Tuesday they should come to school with their swimming costume / shorts under their uniform to make changing at the baths quicker. 

Healthy Snacks

Please bring a healthy snack for break time (10.15 am).  Our mornings are long (9.00 – 12.15) and so a snack at break-time will help with concentration.

Water Bottle

Please bring a reusable water bottle to school.  Children are able to refill these throughout the day.


Tameside Music Service will be visiting on Tuesdays and children will be learning the cornet this year.  Children will be able to take instruments home to practice.

Key Skills

To help children in key skills, it would be helpful if children could practice their key skills at home. Activities include: reading daily (could be a book, magazine, something on a tablet, ipad or kindle), practicing times tables, practicing spellings.  Each child has a login for Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars.  This means that they can practice key skills on a device at home.  Please speak to one of the adults in class if you need any help with accessing any of these resources at home.


The documents below show the work that will be covered during the Autumn 1 half and outline the expectations that children in Year 5 work towards at the end of the academic year. 

Sports reporters of the future?


Recently, the children have completed the 'Literacy Kicks' writing programme. Literacy Kicks is a programme delivered by Gareth Walker who is a former national newspaper sports journalist of many year's experience. The 6-week programme gives the children the chance to write in a range of styles about different sporting events and personalities. The children have really enjoyed it and their work has been superb. 


In addition to the work completed in class, the children also had the chance to be sports reporters for the day. They visited Ashton United to report on their game against Bamber Bridge on Saturday 4th November. We are very grateful to Gareth for all his work with the children, to Ashton United for their warm welcome and to Ms. Wiles and Mrs. Pearson for attending the match with the children.  



On Thursday 9th November, we were very fortunate to welcome Year 9 pupils from Great Academy to school. Some of the Year 9 children were former Hurst Knoll pupils so it was lovely to see them and hear about how they are getting on. The Year 9 children, under the guidance of staff from Great Academy, led the Y5 children in a range of team building games and activities. The children had a great time and we are very grateful to Great Academy for allowing their students to come and work with ours. 
