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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life



We are reviewing our curriculum to ensure it is knowledge-rich and relevant to our children. We continue to  substantial time and effort into ensuring our curriculum prepares our children for the world around them, making sure they are curious, interested and confident in their learning. We want our curriculum to be diverse, representative and inclusive of the world we live in, not just of Ashton-under-Lyne, but of Manchester, the North West, and where we fit in the world. 


All lessons work towards the acquisition and consolidation of skills and knowledge as set out in the National Curriculum. Children build upon prior learning, gain new knowledge and have the opportunity to apply what they know in new situations. Within each subject area, we use a range of teaching approaches to help the children to gather information and demonstrate their knowledge. Practical and outdoor resources are used wherever possible as we are aware that children learn in different ways and at different speeds. Wherever it will enhance learning, technology is used as children must be confident users of technology within modern society. Children are taught the benefits of technology but are also made aware of the dangers that they can face when using the internet with online safety being a key component of our curriculum for children of all ages.


Our curriculum seeks to develop the children’s cultural capital and understanding of the world. Where necessary, our curriculum is adapted, to allow children to access the lesson content and develop the skills and understanding they require. Children with special educational needs are planned for, with personalised curricula and adult support used, as necessary, to support children’s learning.


The pages below help to provide further information with regard to each subject specific area. Links and relevant documents are included to provide further information with regard to our approach in each subject area.  

The link below takes you to our Accessibility Plan which outlines how we support children with additional learning or physical needs to access the school's curriculum:


