Year 4
Class Teacher: Mrs. B. Spiby
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Shaw and Mrs. Parker
Key Information:
Homework in year 4 is based around the basic skills that the children need to build on. We expect children to read at home daily for about 10 minutes. At the end of this year all children in Year 4 will take the Year 4 multiplication check therefore we also expect that multiplication, division, addition and subtraction facts are practised about three times a week. Spellings should be practised twice a week. Your child will bring home passwords for various online platforms which they can use to practise these skills but they can also use pencil and paper or a combination - whatever works best for you and your child.
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor learning is on hold for the moment.
Athletics will be taught by a coach from Active Tameside on a Wednesday
Football will be taught in the other PE session. This may be on different days each week and will be taught by Mr Davenport. A message will be placed on class dojo in advance to let you know the day.
Please make sure they have an appropriate kit for outdoor PE- trainers or pumps and black/dark blue bottoms and white top. This may be left in the children's locker.
Music will take place on Tuesdays and we will be learning the Ukulele. Children will be able to take their instruments home to practise, as long as parents have signed a copy of the instrument agreement letter (please see myself or Mrs. Parker)
Water bottles/snack
Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school every day. Please also send them with a healthy snack for break time. It is a long time for the children to go until dinnertime without anything to eat.
See the half term overview and year 4 expectations below.