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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Mental Health

Kooth and Qwell and are free, safe and anonymous sites that offer confidential support to young people and adults across Greater Manchester. Kooth provides support for children and Qwell for adults. The document below provide further information as to how you can access these services should you need them. 


The documents below provide further information about the services on offer and plenty of advice too. 


Supporting you and your child to have good physical and emotional health


PHEW! stands for Physical Health and Emotional Wellbeing. It is an organisation run by Dr Joy Harris, a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with 25 years’ experience of working with children and families in the NHS. The aim of PHEW is to support families with children with physical health difficulties, or emotional difficulties which are making them physically ill.


We meet on the first Wednesday of every month from 5-30-7pm at The Anthony Seddon Fund in Ashton-under-Lyne. Everyone is welcome. Please contact us at

Search for @PHEWIFOUNDYOU on Facebook

Youth in Mind - Tameside Oldham and Glossop Mind

Just as our bodies can become unwell, people’s minds can become emotionally unwell too and this may be more common than you think, with 3 children in every classroom experiencing a mental health problem at any given time. Youth in Mind offer support and advice, click the link below to find out more.
