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School Logo

Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life



During term time, holidays / time away from school are not permitted and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Any time missed from school is damaging to a pupil’s learning and will impact on their progress and achievement. Where holidays are taken without permission, absences will be recorded as unauthorised. If children miss 5 days / 10 sessions or more, a penalty notice will be applied for.


Further details about our attendance policy and procedures can be found by clicking the link below:


Attendance and holiday information


Whilst it is unlikely that holidays will be allowed, a holiday form still needs to be completed so that school know where children are and can complete our registers accurately. Please use the link below to complete the holiday form which will automatically be emailed to school. 

To request time away from school for your child(ren), please click the link below and complete the attached form. 


Holiday request form

Holiday dates can be seen below. 
