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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


School dinners

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered free school meals. 


Children may choose to take a school meal or bring a packed lunch. The School Meals Service provides a two-course midday meal, which is cooked on the premises and offers good value for money. Tameside are at the forefront of Local Authorities promoting healthy diets. Your child has a choice of which main course to have and menu selections are completed by the children as they approach the serving hatch.


Our school has achieved the Gold Standard Award for our school meals in the Tameside Healthy Choice Award Scheme, so we can guarantee school meals are a great option!


School Meals currently cost £2.95 per day / £14.75 per week.


The Local Authority determine the cost of meals and let us know in advance of any increases. Dinners can be paid for through the payments section of the Arbor app. School does not accept cash payments for school dinners. If you have trouble accessing or using the Arbor app, please speak to a member of the office team. 


Anyone wishing to apply for free school meals, can do so by speaking to the office team. For the latest information about free school meals, including who is eligible to apply for them, visit this link: Free school meals information 


To apply for free school meals, use this link: Apply for free school meals


Two weeks notice should be given if children are to change from school dinners over to packed lunches, or vice versa, to give us chance to ensure that food orders are amended appropriately. 


If your child chooses to bring a packed lunch please make it as healthy as possible.


Packed lunches should be put securely in a container that is manageable by the child and marked clearly with their name. Drinks should be in plastic screw-topped bottles, plastic containers with secure lids or waxed packs with attached straws. No glass bottles or cans please. 


We encourage children to eat healthily and look after their teeth so sweet, sugary or fizzy drinks are discouraged and we’d appreciate your co-operation on this. Please ensure that items in addition to your child's main lunch item should be as healthy as possible. We understand that children like crisps and sugary items, but please keep these to a minimum.  


All the food that we provide in school both at dinner time and at snack time meets the Government’s new food-based standards. More information about nutrition and school lunches can be found on:

