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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life



Equality Statement


'I tell you the truth. A servant is not greater than his master. A messenger is not greater than the one who sent him.'

John 13:16


Our Equality Objectives are:

  • To ensure that all learners have equal access to a rich, broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
  • To advance equality of opportunity by ensuring that teaching, learning and curriculum promote equality, celebrate diversity and promote community cohesion by fostering good relations.
  • To eliminate any discrimination, harassment and victimisation. To ensure that no-one is unfairly or illegally disadvantaged as a consequence of their age, disability, gender, gender-identity, sexual orientation, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, disability or religious beliefs.
  • To recognise, celebrate diversity within our community whilst promoting community cohesion.
  • To ensure that those with management responsibility and individual members of staff, accept responsibility for planning teaching, learning and curriculum apply this policy to all we do.
  • To ensure that learners and parents are fully involved in the provision made by the school and to increase transparency.
  • To ensure that within the school budget, adequate funding is provided to underpin this policy and that intervention, positive action and preventative action is funded where needed.


Single Equality Policy



The Single Equality Act, which came into place on October 1st 2010, brought together the duties that are already set out set out in our Race, Disability and Gender policies into one single Equality Duty. This policy is written to bring together and harmonise those three policies. The Single Equality Act combines the existing three duties into one new Equality Duty that covers all seven of the equality strands: age, disability, gender, gender-identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. In this school we will ensure that at every level, in all our work and throughout all aspects of the school community and its life, all will be treated equally.



  1. To ensure that all learners have equal access to a rich, broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
  2. To advance equality of opportunity by ensuring that teaching, learning and curriculum promote equality, celebrate diversity and promote community cohesion by fostering good relations.
  3. To eliminate any discrimination, harassment and victimisation. To ensure that no-one is unfairly or illegally disadvantaged as a consequence of their age, disability, gender, gender-identity, sexual orientation, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, disability or religious beliefs.
  4. To recognize and celebrate diversity within our community whilst promoting community cohesion.
  5. To ensure that those with management responsibility and individual members of staff, accept responsibility for planning teaching, learning and curriculum apply this policy to all we do.
  6. To ensure that learners, governors and parents are fully involved in the provision offered by the school.
  7. To ensure that within the school budget, adequate funding is provided to underpin this policy and that intervention, positive action and preventative action is funded where needed.



  1. Monitoring, evaluation and review carried out by the Leadership Team will ensure that procedures and practices within the school reflect the objectives of this policy.
  2. Parents and governors will be involved and consulted about the provision being offered by the school.
  3. Teachers will ensure that their planning, teaching and learning takes account of this policy and they will see that the equity duty underpins all their work.
  4. The diversity within our school and the wider community will be viewed positively by all and this diversity will be recognized as a positive, rich resource for teaching, learning and the curriculum.
  5. INSET opportunities will be provided for staff, to raise awareness of their Equality Duty and provide them with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to meet the requirements of this policy.
  6. Active contributions will be sought of parents and others to enrich teaching, learning and the curriculum.
  7. The positive achievements of all pupils will be celebrated and recognized.



This policy will play an important part in the educational development of individual pupils. It will ensure that all pupils are treated equally. The school will make all the reasonable adjustments necessary to promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of all members of the school community. We are committed to meeting the individual needs of each child and we will take full account their age, disability, gender, gender-identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation in accordance with the requirements of the Single Equality Act 2010.

