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School Logo

Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Early Years

Class Teachers:  Ms. Wiles

Teaching Assistants: Miss Buxton and Mrs. Vidler (mornings)

Hello! Welcome to Early Years. Ms Wiles is the class teacher for our Reception class. She is supported in class by Miss Buxton and Mrs. Vidler.


On Wednesday each week we have our PE session. Please send your child to school in their kit and they will stay in this for the whole day. We ask that you please send some spare clothes in for your child as there may be times when they need to get changed.


Our day starts with a morning activity such as practising writing our name or practising forming our numbers.  We then have an English lesson where we focus on a book for the week, we maybe act out the story, learn to retell it, think about what it means.  Then, the children have some “choosing time” where they will go to choose where they would like to “play” and select from a carefully planned selection of activities.


Throughout the day, children will be working with Ms Wiles in their groups to do a chosen “job” linked to the story, or practice their handwriting or phonics.


After snack and nursery rhymes, we have a fun dough disco session where the children build up strength in their hands and fingers to help with their gross motor and fine motor skills. After this, it is time for our phonics input. In this session we will learn a new letter from the alphabet and the sound that it makes. The children really love learning phonics because we are really enthusiastic about it and love learning with Fred the Frog who helps with their spellings as the year progresses.


In the afternoon, there is a maths session where the children learn different aspects of maths as the year progresses. There is a particular focus on numbers to 10. Some of the areas we work on are; one more and one less, addition and subtraction (within 10) and repeating patterns. We will also work on counting beyond 10 throughout the year.


After maths, we have some ‘busy time’ where again children will choose what they would like to play with from a range of carefully planned activities.


Lots of other learning takes place through our provision linking to different areas of the curriculum.  Our topics change throughout the year and we always have an overview of the work we are completing on this page for you to see. 


We look forward to working with you and are sure that the children will love their time in EYFS!


Ms Wiles, Miss Buxton and Mrs Vidler.



Please see the curriculum map below which outlines the work we will be completing this year. The list of 'Red words' are key words from our Phonics scheme that you can use and discuss with your children at home. 


