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School Logo

Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Support for families

This page is designed to be a central point from where you can gather  information and advice. Visit the sub-pages to find out more. 

Drug and Alcohol Support 


Branching Out, run by Change Grow Live (CGL) is a service where children and adults can share their worries about drugs and alcohol. The flier and leaflet below provide more information. 


Do you have concerns about a child? 


If you have concerns about a child, the link below provides further information:


Worried about a child?



Does your child want to talk to someone? 



Staying healthy is an important part of growing up and it children can be affected physically and emotionally. As well as the staff in school, Childline is here to support you and your child if you're worried about them and their health. Visit the link below or call Childline on 0800 1111






