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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life



Governing Board


At Hurst Knoll St. James CE Primary School, we have a committed group of Governors from a variety of backgrounds which includes parents of children who currently attend school, local government officials, education professionals and members of the local parishes. Their legal responsibilities include; ensuring the curriculum is taught and meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, ensuring policies are in place and reviewed regularly and to have an overview of the general maintenance and running of the school.


Governors meet once per half term where all aspects of school life - pastoral, financial and curriculum are considered and reported upon. Governors' Meetings are all minuted and copies of these minutes are available upon request.


Apart from the Headteacher and the Ex-Officio Foundation Governors, Governors are elected or appointed to serve for a four year term of office. At the end of their term of office, Governors may be re-elected or re-appointed. A staff Governor ceases to be a Governor if they leave the school.


The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one and its key functions are to:

  • Ensure that the Christian ethos of the school is evident in all aspects of school life.
  • Set high standards for all children and review their progress towards these.
  • Ensure the school finances are managed effectively.
  • Set clear targets for improvement for the school.
  • Agree and review school policies.
  • Agree and set school development priorities.
  • Be a critical friend by challenging school leaders, asking probing questions and by working with the Headteacher and school staff.
  • Support the work of the school and have an oversight of the schools’ day to day running.
  • Help the school be responsive to the needs of parents/carers and community.


Who are Governors responsible to?


School Governors are responsible to, and must be prepared to explain their actions and decision-making process to, anyone who has a valid interest in the school. This includes; parents, staff, pupils, the Local Authority, the DfE and members of the local community.


Making a complaint:


The school follows the local authority’s procedures when considering complaints with regard to the school and its running. Initially, all concerns or complaints should be referred to the class teacher or Headteacher – depending upon the nature of the complaint. If this is not resolved to your satisfaction, please ensure it is put in writing to:


The Chair of Governors

Hurst Knoll St. James’ CE Primary School

Ladbrooke Road





For further information about the school's work and to see specific documentation that guides our systems and processes, please visit our policies page by clicking the link: Policies
