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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Social media support guides

Social media is an ever-changing world where children can quickly access content and interact with friends. There are many advantages that using these sites can bring but there are also things to be aware of to ensure that children remain safe. Below you will find an array of information to help you ensure that your child uses social media safely. 


PLEASE NOTE - The websites below have a recommended minimum age limit for users and access to these sites should only be accessed with parental knowledge. Examples of these age limits are shown below:


  • Facebook - 13+. 
  • Instagram - 13+. 
  • Snapchat - 13+.
  • TikTok - 13+. 
  • Twitter / X - 13+. 
  • WhatsApp - 13+.

