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Hurst Knoll St James'

CE Primary School

Inspiring Faith and Learning for Life


Weekly Awards

Weekly Awards


Our Celebration Assemblies take place each week and it's lovely to be able to share the work that the children have completed with you and the school community. Weekly, we give awards to children in each class who have performed well with their Reading, Writing and Maths. The Values Award goes to the child who has demonstrated our school values through their behaviour and the 'Pupil of the Week' award goes to the child in each class who has collected the most Dojo Points,


At the end of each half term we have our 'PERFIC' Assembly which focuses on the children's work over the course of the half term. 'PERFIC' stands for Positivity, Expectation, 7Rs (Reflectiveness, Respect, Reasoning, Reciprocity, Resourcefulness, Resilience and Responsibility), Faith, Inspiration and Creativity.


Our winners will be posted here at the end of each week. 


Weekly Awards - Friday 26th July 2024


Year 1

Positivity: Grayson for always having a positive attitude towards his learning. 

Expectation: Patryk for having high expectations of himself and for never giving up. 

7Rs: Kyzer for always being a respectful and considerate member of Y1. 

Faith: Kayla for always respecting and showing an interest in other faiths in RE lessons and for having faith in herself in all areas of her learning. 

Inspiration: Kacper for trying hard and making amazing progress with his work this year. 

Creativity:  Wiktoria for showing creativity in all areas of the curriculum. 


Year 2

Positivity: Kornelia for being positive in all aspects of school life. 

Expectation: Isla for having high expectations of herself and for always pushing to be the best she can be, 

7Rs: Riley for showing fantastic resilience with his writing. It is something he can find tricky but has made excellent progress as a result of his hard work. 

Faith: Ashar for speaking beautifully about his own faith and for asking thoughtful questions about the faith of others. 

Inspiration: Elyse for the amazing progress she has shown in all areas of her work - she is an inspiration to others. 

Creativity: Elijah for exploring new and challenging ways of completing his work. He has pushed himself well and is very creative across the curriculum. 


Year 3

Positivity: Isha for always having a positive attitude towards her learning and for being helpful to others. 

Expectation: Milly for having high expectations of herself by always playing a part in class discussions and for volunteering to be in the class role play activity. 

7Rs: Harley for persevering and being resilient when writing and for applying his knowledge across the curriculum. 

Faith: Mischa for showing an interest in all faiths, for sharing her knowledge of religion and for making relevant links to the world we live in. 

Inspiration: Jack for being an inspiration through the excellent behaviour choices he makes on a daily basis. 

Creativity: Szymon for showing his creativity in Art and for working so well in teamwork situations.  


Year 4

Positivity: Charlie H for always having a positive attitude towards all aspects of school life. 

Expectation: Olivier for consistently having high expectations of himself and for always pushing himself when working. 

7Rs: Aimee for always valuing the work of others and for encouraging them. 

Faith: Joe for showing compassion, friendship, belief in himself and trust in others. 

Inspiration: Sienna for inspiring everyone around her with her amazing artwork. 

Creativity: Dua for showing great skill during the recent topic on light and dark. 


Year 5

Positivity: Oskar for always being positive, for being a kind and helpful partner, respectful of others and for giving all work your best effort. 

Expectation: Bartek for having high expectations of himself at all times. You have pushed yourself this year and the results are clear to see! 

7Rs: Maria for being a role model to others to everyday through the fantastic example you set. 

Faith: Rafay for sharing knowledge of your own religion freely and and for showing an interest in the faith of others too. You make comparisons well and are always respectful. 

Inspiration: Caleb for the example you set to others in the way that you work and never give up. 

Creativity: Harry for the great work you have completed in the recent class project on volcanoes. You have a real talent for art and your enthusiasm is infectious. 


Year 6

Positivity: Sophia for always being positive and engaged in all work that is set. 

Expectation: Emily for having high expectations of yourself at all times and for being an amazing role model to others in the way you conduct yourself. 

7Rs: Ellouise for displaying the values of a model Year 6 pupil at all times. 

Faith: Quorra for your great participation in lessons about world faiths and also for the faith you show in yourself when learning. 

Inspiration: Max for the amazingly resilient, dedicated and inspirational approach that you have shown towards your work. 

Creativity: Kacper for showing great creativity when thinking, asking questions and when writing across the year. 
